Contact Me

A place where you are free to ask to your heart’s content! Contact me any time!

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Thank you for understanding. 🙂

I’m so glad you’ve decided to contact me, I am looking forward to us hanging out and having some fun together.

Please feel free to get a hold of me through the Contact Me Portal below. Don’t forget to follow me on all my social media platforms. I’ve got an Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook pages. 

I also highly encourage you all to “Pin” my blogs and book reviews on Pinterest. My Pinterest has tons of boards on writing and creating an author platform.

 I also have a special page to suggest book reviews, and you can find it on the ‘Book Reviews’~Page. There, you make a formal request for book reviews if you don’t see a novel you’re curious about! 

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions! I am currently looking for Beta Readers and maybe a Critique Partner or two, primarily to read for my current novel, “The Mark of Creation”. A YA Science Fiction/Fantasy series full of action, romance, stakes, and more. Check out the My Novel page to see if it’s something you may be interested in. If so, send me an email with a piece of your current writing and the subject title: “Beta Reader” or “CP”.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Contact Me
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